Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wrap it up. Serious Eats.

Today seemed fraught with mechanical difficulties. My truck hemorrhaged chocolate (the victim of a "busted cream seal," a quote I'm still laughing about); therefore I had to take it back to the depot so that it could be sealed up. Once I got to Union Square nothing would freeze. Eventually I convinced the vanilla to run and I got to work.

BGICT's first press came in early June via a great food website called Serious Eats. Serious Eats is very respected, and was founded by a man named Ed Levine; I used his book New York Eats as a bible for several years. A writer at Serious Eats caught wind of our plans, checked out this website, and thought the whole thing interesting enough that she wrote an announcement of our debut.

That writer, Erin Zimmer, at long last stopped by today. I owe her. Big.

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